Tamer Zoubi @ Drupal 8

Drupal expert | Programmer

Applying a patch to a Drupal module

I will quickly show you how to apply a patch to a Drupal module. Following works for all versions of Drupal.

1. First download a patch and save it to your local hard drive (in my example I saved it under C:\wamp\www).

2. In your command line enter following (replace audiofield with the name of the module you wish to patch):

drupal module

Drupal 7 - LinkedIn login module

If you are looking for a way to add Linkedin login/signup buttons to your Drupal 7 website then you came to the right place. Only module that seems to provide Linkedin integration is LinkedIn module but unfortunately its only available in dev version and quickly after enabling it I figured out its not working well to be used on production sites.

Drupal 7
drupal module
Linkedin authentication module

How to import/export database using MySql command line

Sometimes when you have large databases, phpmyadmin or similar tool might fall when it comes to exporting or importing. The easiest (and fastest) way is to use command line.

To export use this command:

mysqldump -u USER -p PASSWORD DATABASE > filename.sql

To import database from dump file (in this case called filename.sql) use:

mysql -u username -p password database_name < filename.sql

database export
database import