Drupal 7 check if user is logged in from javascript

Drupal 7 check if user is logged in from javascript

Drupal 7 comes with jquery cookie plugin which can be find under


This plugin can be used to check if user is logged in or not directly from Jquery. We do that by checking if the cookie DRUPAL_UID exists and its value is not equal to 0.

var cookie_value = jQuery.cookie("DRUPAL_UID");
if(cookie_value != 0)
    // Drupal user is authenticated...do some code...
else {
  // Drupal user anonymous user...do some code...

However Drupal will not load cookie plugin for anonymous users and you might encounter following error:

Error: TypeError: jQuery.cookie is not a function

Therefore we need to explicitly include cookie library before calling our javascript file:

drupal_add_library('system', 'jquery.cookie');